Sunday, March 7, 2010

Out the back door (7)...

Technically, this is out the 3rd floor window. A dizzying view of the back yard and a sneaky look at the neighbors.

Out the back door (6)...

Out my back door and about a mile down the road is Phipps Conservatory and Botanical Gardens. Phipps is a steel and glass Victorian greenhouse that has been open to the public since 1893. Recently, President Obama and the First Lady hosted a reception for the G-20 leaders at Phipps. This is a must see if you are ever in Pittsburgh.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Out the back door (5)...

Some of the interesting features of the house are shown here. The box gutters... some decorative brick work over the windows... and the lovely soot deposited on our bricks from the now-defunct steel mills.

Out the back door (4)...

Why, I remember when Tom rode a trolley to work and we heat our house with a coal furnace... Ok, I don't actually remember that, but here is the door that used to lead to a coal bin in our basement. The coal which would have then been used to heat our home and cook our food. Ahhh... memories... Soot and memories...

Out the back door (3)...

These are cut stones that we found hiding in the ivy of our backyard. The house itself was built in 1901. We've been told that they are most likely old road markers...

Out the back door (2)...

I am really happy with this one. The angle is perfect, focus is almost where I wanted it and George makes a great model. I had to do a slight color-correction, but this is close to straight off the camera.

Monday, March 1, 2010

First Haircut!

I know, I know. It was long overdue. The decision wasn't easy, but I finally cut Sebastian's hair. No buzz cuts for Seb, though. We went with a slightly longer, but very masculine, look. No more barrettes for my little boy.

Out the back door...

I don't suppose I could have taken this any more literally. ;) This is the view out my back door as demonstrated by my gorgeous model, Mia. Note the half buried play-slide in the yard... I don't think all this snow will melt until April.
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